Become a Troupe Member
Are you looking for a different way to pray this lent?
Come be a part of CM Performing Arts Center’s JOURNEY CROSS & CRUCIFIXION!
Your participation in Journey includes an easy rehearsal process, followed by performing at several churches during the 7 weeks of Lent.
We are looking for New Members to participate in this beautiful, prayerful, living re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross.
There is something for everyone, singers, dancers, and musicians.
Consider being a Soldier who walked the way with Jesus. Singers make up the Townspeople and Soloists. Dancers perform a beautiful and reverent contemporary dance during the performance. You might also consider taking on a role such as Mary, John, Simon, Veronica or even Jesus*.
We also welcome any musician to join!
Especially those who play flute, violin, guitar, piano, or bass.
Anyone can participate. There are roles for Middle School and High School Students as well as children in grade 5 and above. Consider joining as a family.
This is a great way to complete your service project for school or confirmation.
If you are interested in auditioning, fill out the form below.
If you have any further questions, email:
*For the role of Jesus, long hair preferred but not required, with a slender build and caring attitude. *